Sunday, May 24, 2009

hey everyone....

well it has been some time but i am back for the moment.... two saturday's ago the large blood clot desided to bust up imparing my eyesite in the process... the blood and the debris is covering the macula creating a distorted view like looking through vaseline. it has been difficult at best this last week... and then going to Dr. Nanda and get more laser treatments was not a fun time at all.... then Dr. Nanda told methat I may need a Viterectomy to remove the blood and debris.... believe me guys it is not somthing that i want to have was a fun time last week going to work because i really couldn't see out of my right eye and my weak eye which is the left was not up to par. I ran up on cars that i never saw... and people on the side of the road i never seen. It scared me a lot.

well this weekend has proved to be so bad.... i ended up getting sick with a bug .... and threw up slobber and so forth.... but i am better now....

well 82 lbs.... yeah yeah yeah......

ok.... i love schlotsky's bbq chicken pizza.... so i came up with something myself.... i took a rotisserie chicken, bbq sauce, onions, black olives and mozzarella cheese piled up on a low carb tortilla...

ok folks... i have blown this up to 150 percent and have typed this.... i can't see out of my eyes... soooo i am going to go now... love ya

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Moved out to the lake

Well it is that time of year again.... Mom has moved out to the lake. I went out there yesterday and it was so cold coming off the water that we stayed inside the trailer. It seems to me a lot of trouble to just be out at the lake. But i guess for them it is fun....

I have babies now.... baby tomato's that is.... yeahhhhhh yeahhhh yeah.... i just found the little green balls this morning.... my Tomato Trees a working again this year....

well that is all folks....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Two New Teeth

I have to talk about my Grandson Gavyn... you can see pictures of him on his mom's blog (Just add Bugs) ... Gavyn is a precious thing I could say a gift from God or whatever but he is more than that... He is the reason I am alive.... I had to have a purpose in life and i have come to understand that the major part of my purpose was to have Jodi, a wonderful young woman whom I have had the enjoyment to watch grow up and and become a productive human being and although i can say a lot about my daughter and how much I love her and how much i appreciate her and how beautiful and how smart and so forth I am not going to do that today because I have to talk about another part of my purpose in life and that is her son Gavyn. Oh everyone he is a dream, healthy, smart, handsome.... of course he is also stubborn, spoiled, and moody but he is a great gift.... to have the time to watch this child grow over the last few months to watch him learn and to see him just live has been so very special. This last weekend he learned to drink from a straw... oh it was so funny to watch him just drink and drink and drink cold tea... his diapers were full by the end of the day... now we have two new teeth coming in the top ones he doesn't seem to whine about them but he chews on everything like my arm or my finger.... or a chewie.... i feel so sorry for him because if he could just get them through he feel so much better. Oh and he is a green bean boy... that boy loves green beans too bad his mother doesn't like veggies (my sister Kimberly is responsible for this) or else she would fix them for him... I can't wait to see what the next weeks, months, years bring for this boy or for me but I am sure going to enjoy all of it.
It's raining again today like we need more... oh I know in the summer we will be bitching about it but my yard is so water logged.... and the girls can't hardly go out to pee because the water is standing... and oh the ticks and mosquitos.... lord i hate those things... the ticks are ravenous this year and many of them....
well got to run my peeps.... tata for now.... love ya

Monday, May 11, 2009

I''m Back

Hey all, Good Monday Morning to everyone.... well I am back after last weeks laser. I have a lot to tell. Jodi took me up to Oklahoma Retinal Institute on Wednesday morning. my appointment was at 8 a.m. and we got there right on time. I took a Loratab that Dr. Davis gave me so that I would be calm and wouldn't fight it. Lord I do not know how people get hooked on those things. They knock me for a freaking loop. i took it in the car and by the time we arrived at the 7th floor my legs were jelly.... I could have been poured right out of the seat well i went in and the technician dilated my eyes and took a new scan... this thing is neat really neat it takes a real life picture of the inside of your eyes.... now this picture showed the big blood clot in my right eye that i keep looking through but it also showed the swelling near my retina and all the debris in both eyes... the Debris is the rbc (red blood cells) that have broken up but the particles are still in the eye... causing the visceral fluid to increase causing the swelling. the tech let me look at the pictures and you could see all of it.... all of the particles the blood clot and the swelling lump near the retina. I tell you it was really amazing... of course i wonder if i would be amazed at anything at that moment with a loratab in my system. well after that little thing i was sent back out front to wait you know let my eyes dilate to the maximum capacity... well about 45 minutes later they came and got me... I like that technician the guy with the eye patch is pretty informative. Well I took another Loratab when i got home and was down for the count for almost 24 hours.... but every thing has been blurry... all weekend in fact.... it has been very frustrating because i can't see... This morning it is alot better but still foggy... i know that it is due to the swelling but it is like one thing gets cleared up then another thing happens...

well yesterday was mother's day... I went to church and got a nice little mother's day bouquet... then i took mom out for mother's day lunch... then it was nap time again...

sorry folks my life is a little boring right now....

well tata for now...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Into the Tube

Well I had an interesting day yesterday... I had an MRI on my shoulder.... there is nothing like being slid into a tube that sounds like people are beating on it outside. I went to SMCC (Shawnee Medical Care Center) to have an MRI... I was taken to this room that had a huge round object with a hole in it. I am so glad I lost weight because i wouldn't have fit into that hole. but I was laid out on this bed thing strapped in headphones (to deaden the noise) and slid into this tube. My nose dragged along the roof. I kept my eyes closed was squeezed in at the shoulders and then this big WHAM WHAM WHAM thing started.... i was told it was the Magnets... but it sounded like hammers on the outside. for 30 minutes i had to stay in this thing... Good thing I wasn't claustrophobic. I just kept imagining myself in a tanning bed.

speaking of tanning beds... I am thinking of buying one.... I am going to look on ebay and see what i can find.... you know with this new body i am creating I don't want to have the bleached whale look this summer when i wear shorts.... or for that matter the blinding whiteness of my thighs shining in the water at the lake so that the fishes are attracted to them to nibble... I am sooooo white I glow people.... and I do not want to.. Nothing like seeing a big woman glowing in the dark... but it makes me easier to find i guess... hahaha... I will probably try tanning in a salon first but i will eventually get my own bed i think... that way i can tan when i want and not worry about other peoples germs....not that i am germaphobic... just you never know who has what.. and is it catchable...

well tomorrow is day one of my eye lasers.... mmmmm good thing that Doctor Davis prescribed me some pills... maybe i will slide right on through it... I DREAD it... no one really knows how bad it hurts until you have had it done... nothing like going in to have your eyes burned....

well tata for now... probably won't get back on until Friday or so... have a great day.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sleep Sleep and More Sleep

This weekend was just one big sleep fest. and it felt good.... It was cold and rainy, dreay and just time to sit in the chair and watch the boob tube and sleep. I slept in the bed, in my recliner, in the other recliner and on the couch... and I turned on the heater because brrrr it was cold... I would have read but alas i couldn't see the words on a page this weekend so I watch tv, listen to tv and slept. It is so funny i sleep with blossem on my left side, daisy is on my right side and chloe sleeps between my legs... i know that i must look a site because usually we are all under the covers.... and talk about snoring... I know that I wasn't just the only one snoring... Daisey actually woke me up snoring so loud... she can almost peel the wallpaper off the walls and for such a little dog.... even though i call her fat girl (i hope that doesn't give her a complex). but i noticed this weekend that blossem started snoring louder and chloe always has snored.... OK in case you didn't know flat faced dogs snore big time... and i remember my Grandma Edna calling me late in the evening one time and getting mad at me because she thought i had a man in my bed because of all the snoring... I had to explain about pugs.... but I don't think she ever belived me because they do sound so loud.... Oh and I figured this out... Steven King's books you can watch the first part of one, catch the middle of another and the last of still another and they all make sense together... I just have to get thos dreams out of my head....

OK this morning I weighed 239... i have broken the barrier i set for myself..... 239... can you believe it.... soon well i hope soon... i will be seeing the 200 mark.... yeah yeah yeah... I wonder what size can i get to... maybe a 7.... heck i am just happy at a 16 as it is.... but the future looks good a 10 or 12 sound even better and within my sight.

I went out yesterday and checked my tomato plants and I have flowers on one.... so tomatos are on the way... that is if the cold weather doesn't get them.

well ta ta for now

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Good lord went to the Doctor last week and asked him to run my numbers... you know the A1C (blood sugar average test) chloresterol, triglicerides, lipids... etc.... wellll this weight loss thing has done some good... although i was not on meds... my sugar though a little high was very low for me... it was averaged over 3 months at 149..... yeah... i asked to be put back on Metaformin so i could get my numbers down lower.... my chloresterol and triglicerides and lipids... were NORMAL not high normal these were Mid range or below... yeah yeah yeah... it is working....

Friday, May 1, 2009

Krispy Kreme's

Why is it that when you are on a diet or had WLS (weight loss surgery) or diabetic that the only thing that comes to mind are the things you can't have. Marc called me on his way to get Krispy Kreme's for his staff and asked if i wanted any.... Now he wasn't being mean he was going to actually bring me a cream stuff glazed donut. Oh what i wouldn't give for a warm Cream stuffed glazed donut. So now that is all I can think about... Oh the raspberry filled chocolate covered ones... or the hot just plain glazed. I have found that all the "bad" things that I can't have usually come to the fore front of my brain. Chocolate covered Strawberries from Godiva Chocolates in Tulsa came to mind the other night when I fixed White Chocolate SF Pudding and mixed in some strawberries. It wasn't the same and didn't take away the thought...At Easter it was Mom's Potato Salad that I couldn't get off my mind.... and what I wouldn't give for a coke. But I made this change knowing I wouldn't be able to have these things and I am sticking to it... No just "trying" it out or "just one bite won't hurt"... Unfortunately it will hurt... getting stuck is not something that I want to have happen... and "throwing up" is getting to be a bad thing for me... slimming and pb'ing are still things that I don't want to have happen either... so I sit here dreaming of what that Krispy Kreme would taste like drinking my soy milk and whey powder (chocolate) wishing it were the Krispy Kreme of yesterday.

hey all it has been raining so much here I have an Olympic sized pool in my back yard. my puggies were out swimming in it yesterday... Daisey my sweet little mentally challenged girl would just get up and move to another puddle after the one she was in grew to hot... her poor fat belly kept dragging the ground as she went from puddle to puddle... and lay down... Chloe on the other hand thought that she should jump all through out the back yard making a mess and getting mud on her blond hair... Blossem my old lady... just stood at the back door looking out like a little old lady never once wanting to get her paws know she is the sensible one of all three... Chloe found a turtle to bark out and raise hell with... it trespassed onto her back yard... I actually believe that it was swept into the back yard with the rolling water. hmmm Turtle surfing in Oklahoma... but that was the only thing that drew Blossem off the cement back porch and into the water... My girls are going to grow gills and webbing in between their toes before to long...

well tata for now..... love ya