Monday, March 2, 2009


I have a special little boy in my life - Gavyn. This weekend I got to keep him Friday and all day Saturday. At times after packing up the kitchen sink and all the rest and lugging it around to take him with me. I wonder if I will hold out. It's amazing how much crap you have to take with you just to take one little boy with you to shop or just out to eat. Bottle, powder milk, water bottle, at least 10 diapers, another change of clothes, wipes, ear medicine, cold medicine, gas medicine, teething rings, food, bib, spoon, nose squeezer thing, stroller and of course a binki. But I did it. Luckily my grandson is pretty good about going. At Lunch on Saturday we went to Red Lobster and he was so good full of smiles and keeping us entertained. and then to walmart. As long as the cart was going he wasn't upset. It was when we took him out to the car he started getting cranky. I am guessing he had hi fill of me or maybe it was the shopping but he cried all the way home. I have lost my touch of course i haven't been around a baby in a long while so i don't understand cries or yells or anything baby. The sad part is i think i understand my dogs better than Gavyn. But I wouldn't trade it... I love taking care of Gavyn. and being around him... but I know that I am glad when he goes home too... because this MiMI is tired.

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